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Reverse Phone Lookup

Reverse Phone Number Lookup

You can now lookup the owner of any mobile or cell phone using ZLOOKUP for entirely free. Reverse phone number lookup has never been more easy. You can now identify an unknown caller using our cutting edge cell phone lookup technology. We search millions of records to find the real person or business associated with a phone number. ZLOOKUP is 100% free and entirely hassle free reverse cell phone lookup - and it actually works!


How to find name using reverse phone number lookup.


1- Go to

Open your web browser up and just go to

2- Enter phone number

2- Enter Phone Number

Enter the phone number on the dialpad.

3- Click on Lookup

3- Click on "Lookup"

Click on "Lookup" and you are all set!

Reverse Cell Phone Lookup From Computer

free reverse phone lookup using internet

ZLOOKUP lets your find out the true owner of any phone number. Did you just get a missed call and are trying to find out who called you? Not a problem. With ZLOOKUP, all you need to do is enter the phone number and we will provide you with owner's full name instantly. We sift through millions of records to provide you the most accurate information. Our reverse phone lookup service is entirely free. Unlike most other web services that claim to offer free reverse phone lookup but never really work, we provide completely hassle free name lookup for any mobile or fixed phone number. You do not need to sign up or pay anything to lookup name for any phone number. Your trust is very important to us and we keep you information completely secure and anonymous. ZLOOKUP is the only free phone lookup resource that provides the latest ownership information. You no longer have to worry about the freshness of our data. While most other services cache phone records, we update our databases on an on-going basis to ensure that our phone lookup returns the most accurate information.


Free Phone Number Lookup

Phone numbers are no longer anonymous. Zlookup leverages direct partnership with mobile operators to directly access phone number databases. This allows us to offer phone number lookup service to anyone free of charge. We believe in information transparency and hopefully, you will find our service useful.

Name Lookup by Phone Number

Zlookup only needs an active phone number to perform name search. We not only search our own phone number databases, we also request mobile phone companies to return phone owner's name. If the phone number is not active, we might not be able to return any useful information. Also if the mobile phone is owned and paid for the person's employer, you will see the employer's name in the result. We believe that we provide the most up to date phone ownership information that can be had online. Please let your friends and family know about our service - we only ask that you share our service if you like it.

How else can I lookup phone numbers?

The only other free way to looking up owner's name for a phone number is by just searching for the phone number on google. If the phone number is listed on any website that has been indexed by google, you will be able to see the web page. This does not guarantee that you will be able to find out who the owner of the phone number is. If the phone number belongs to a business, you will be able to find the business name and location by google search. If the phone number belongs to an individual, the odds of finding any related content to the phone number is very low. Your best bet would be to use Zlookup to lookup phone numbers.

What is a free reverse phone number lookup?

Reverse phone number lookup means the ability to locate the owner information by using just a phone number. Zlookup is the only internet company that allows people across the world to freely and accurately lookup phone owners in under a minute. Most other services either do not report accurate information or are just not free.

How is our reverse lookup free?

If you are wondering how we are able to offer free reverse lookup service - know that we are not here to make money. Our goal is to minimize phone abuse and enable people to find out who called them. We were frustrated by getting random calls and never being able to find out who the caller was. We wanted to build a product that allow people to enter a phone number, any phone number, and be able to locate the phone's true owner. We set out to solve a problem and not to create another app that could be monetized. We believe Zlookup will create more transparency and accountability around mobile and fixed phones and will hold people accountable for their communication related actions. Please share us and spread the word about zlookup if you like us.


How is ZLOOKUP different from other reverse lookup services?

We are the only service that offers the most accurate lookup, period. Most other services do not offer lookup at all. They usually keep you waiting on their website while they claim to be "searching" information for you - only to come back and ask you to pay them. We are 100% free and our lookup service works! We keep your information completely anonymous to the owner of the phone number you are looking up. We have created this service so anyone can find out who the true owner of the phone number is - safely, securely and anonymously. Zlookup enhances the traditional reverse phone lookup services to provide reliable name coverage for telecom operators who normally do not have Caller ID values available, such as Google Voice or AT&T. While the other reverse lookup services do not support toll-free phone numbers, ZLOOKUP cleverly routes these queries to an expanded dataset so that you get accurate names for toll-free numbers.

How does ZLOOKUP make money if reverse cell phone lookup is completely free?

Our goal for creating this service is not commercial. We endeavour to create the best resource to create transparency around the phone numbers. Our goal is to limit abuse and giving people access to phone ownership information empowers them to find out who is calling them.